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Bennassar´s Blog

Today, brand communication is for the pioneers.

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

If you had told a brand 20 years ago it would be in the consumer’s pocket all day or be the first thing is seen when its consumers woke up, or the last thing to be looked at when they went to bed (all of it literally) they would have gone crazy happy. So when asked about the current situation of the brand communication market, my answer is that it is quite exciting. Following the natural trend, as time goes by, clients have never invested as much money as they…read more

TEDx talk (english subtitles)

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About 3 months ago I had the pleasure to give a TEDx talk at the University of Seville. And well, here it is now with English subtitles, for all my English speaking friends to be able to understand better. The whole TED concept is to share ideas worth spreading. So I hope somebody can get something out of mine. But the point of this post is to thank some people that helped me do it (sometimes without maybe even knowing about it): My sister, Magdalena, and my friend Bico Bermudez. The entire…read more

El Intercambiador Express Magazine

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

Entrevista realizada por David Lopez y su equipo de la revista #elintercambiadorexpress de la Facultad de Bellas Artes de Málaga. De nuevo viajamos hasta la capital andaluza para tener la oportunidad de conversar con el protagonista de este tercer número, Lorenzo Bennassar. Resulta difícil imaginarse algún profesional en Andalucía con mayor proyección internacional. Diseñador y Director de Arte… Antes de asentar su domicilio familiar en Sevilla, ya había trabajado para Ogilvy, DDB, Saatchi, Dentsu y McCann. Bennassar ha sido propuesto como candidato en cuatro ocasiones para los Premios Nacionales de Diseño…read more

Skip Ad. Good news for advertising.

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

“Today, all ads are skippable—whether it’s a function of the format or not.” That’s one of the big trues from “The First 5 Seconds: Creating YouTube Ads That Break Through in a Skippable World”  a very interesting research (already from june 2015) made by Think with Google. But the research focuses on analyzing the viewers behavior in front of thousands of YouTube TrueView ads from all over the world (the ones you can skip after 5 seconds). And the good news is that in fact the “Skip Ad” button only…read more



Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

Imagine being in a theatre waiting for the show to begin and suddenly the scenario in front of you starts to turn around itself unveiling an unexpected dimension. The music is loud and, as sound effects support what’s happening in front of you, the entire scene starts moving down, making you feel as if the main floor you’re in is a huge elevator. That’s the beginning of the “Simurg” show. A musical about the wonders of the Ottoman empire, its roots and its influence on the soul of today’s Turkish…read more

Move over, Kmart.

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

Ok, maybe I got a bit too excited there but I’ve always wanted to pay tribute to this great Apple 1984 T-shirt. Anyway, last week I launched my online store with some of my designs converted into such varied products as duvets, shower curtains, wall clocks or throw pillows (besides other more common products). And I experienced how today any individual with a computer and an internet connection can sell all this kind of products worldwide. You don’t need a complicated infrastructure anymore. All the usual logistic matters have been solved…read more


Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

Many times, because of my job, I need to do inspiring videos to communicate something that no other media does better than beautiful images and music combined. And the other day, listening to the radio, I heard a very moving song that was written to promote and be part of a concert to obtain funds to fight cancer. So I thought I could try and contribute to the cause by doing one of the videos I normally do and upload it to my YouTube channel. Just this time I would…read more

The green button on my mobile

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

Lately, every time I get a missed call I receive a message from my carrier telling me I can “press directly the green button on my mobile” to return the call. We’re talking about Movistar, the brand with which Telefónica, one of the world telecommunication leaders, operates in Spain. The european country that leads smartphones penetration rates where 81% of the users have smartphones (according to Telefónica’s Foundation own 2014 Information Society in Spain report). That means many thousands of these messages every day telling literally to their clients “Telefónica…read more

“Ok Google”, How is that new logo?

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D, Post

I’ve been asked about what I think of Google´s new logo. Well, apparently the Google in-house design team started with a white paper and rethought the logo from scratch. And that’s great. That’s what Google has us used to and they certainly have all the credit as a brand to do so. We all love this brand! But this is the biggest change since 1999 and it’s broadly admitted by everyone the Google logo had never been something mindfully done. As Spanish architect Miguel Fisac use to say, “well designed things age better”. That’s why…read more

A new interaction with logos. And brands.

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

Today I downloaded a new email app for the iPhone. Geronimo. Although it’s still having some development issues, it looks really interesting. Specially because it takes advantage of the iphone accelorometer so you can really benefit from gesture to go through the normally tedious mail experience. But from the brand communication and branding prespective, what really got my attention is how the logo moves with your gestures. You can literally interact with the logo by simply tilting your phone. Notice the movement on the “chart looking bars” of the logo…read more

What do you feel like today?

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D, Post

Sometime ago I asked my friend Cesar Garcia his opinion about my website. And he gave me some valuable feedback, but the most relevant one was about how the website was not interactive enough. Very nice, great work, smooth scrolling and layer playing (he said :-)… But it’s all about you. And nowadays there’s got to be some interaction, some participation, or else the website will feel unfinished. I couldn’t agree more. Well, it’s taken more time than I would have wanted to, and I’m sure this is not what…read more

The first interactive commercial ever?

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

Well, it might literally be so, if we consider interaction the reproduction controls, since now it’s you who controls when to start, finish, pause as well as the forward and backward reproduction speed. Anyway I don’t really think I must have been the first one to apply it to a commercial (and it doesn’t really matter anyway). In fact there are some pretty cool examples in this direction and way much better executed like the Stylepit SS14 interactive lookbook. The fact is that playing around with our latest commercial for…read more


Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

In 2007, the Spanish Creative Club asked me if I would do a 7 minutes tribute video for Luis Casadevall and Salvador Pedreño “c de c de honor” (no need to say what my answer was). So Manolo Valmorisco, in the heat of battle of gathering materials and organizing the event (along with Concha Wert and his team at C de C) sent me the script. And this was the result. Today I wanted to share this video with a friend but I wasn’t able to find it on YouTube….read more

The new creative

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

I was recently asked by a multinational advertising agency to describe how would my perfect creative department be today? Here is the answer: El nuevo creativo Hace poco una multinacional de publicidad me preguntó que como sería para mi hoy el departamento creativo ideal. Esa fue mi respuesta. Next / Siguiente

Do you trust me?

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

Because if you do, I’m in the right track to be a brand. And depending on the level of trust, even a leader. Let me explain: About a year ago I went to Wuxi, near Shanghai, invited by the Chinese government. And 2 things stroke me hard: The first one, how obedient Chinese people is (and with my occidental point of view, I certainly related it to the many years under such an authoritative government). And the second one, how interested are the authorities are now in building brands, not…read more

Redesigning YouTube

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

2014/03/24. It’s been a while since I think YouTube is definitely the best social online video experience, mostly because of the technology behind: best loading, almost no playing breaks, etc. But it’s been that same while since I think it could definitely use some design improvement. And it was just the other day when I came across what it could look like. It happened visiting a big Brazilian corporation when I suddenly found myself in front of one of those live broadcast control rooms with a mosaic of 36 screens….read more

Transparency is no longer a choice.

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

“Transparency is no longer a choice. How your brand deals with it is the choice.” That’s one of many interesting quotes from “The Naked Brand: The Future of Marketing”, featuring professionals like Alex Bogusky, Saquille O’Neal, Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard, Uniliver’s chief marketing officer Keith Weed, Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh or an ordinary housewife author of a blog with more than 1,4 million readers. A very interesting 45 min. documentary about how the information society has made corporations, and their incredible influence on the world we live in, accountable not…read more


A wink to conventional advertising. Literally.

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

2013/09/22. How would you like to be able to control channels with a blink of your eyes? Thanks to webcams now it’s possible, but it’s not about the old tv channels but about YouTube channels instead. In fact, it’s about YouTube videos. That’s what the new Virgin Mobile commercial offers. By allowing your webcam to interact with your eyes, every time you blink, you can see a different version of the same commercial message. In fact, it’s the same window with an average of 16 different version of the commercial…read more

An Idea. The most powerful device known to man.

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

A beautiful sentence that Nancy Duarte chooses to start her inspiring TED talk. More than interesting for anyone that might be trying to master its presentation skills. Or, what’s the same thing, anyone interested in communicating in a more effective way. Just to point out some key points, I would underline the following moments: One idea, one image. A classic in art direction or design in general. A presentation is a story, and therefore it must have a beginning, a middle and an end. The presenter is the mentor not…read more