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Post | Bennassar´s Blog

Bennassar´s Blog

“Ok Google”, How is that new logo?

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D, Post

I’ve been asked about what I think of Google´s new logo. Well, apparently the Google in-house design team started with a white paper and rethought the logo from scratch. And that’s great. That’s what Google has us used to and they certainly have all the credit as a brand to do so. We all love this brand! But this is the biggest change since 1999 and it’s broadly admitted by everyone the Google logo had never been something mindfully done. As Spanish architect Miguel Fisac use to say, “well designed things age better”. That’s why…read more

What do you feel like today?

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D, Post

Sometime ago I asked my friend Cesar Garcia his opinion about my website. And he gave me some valuable feedback, but the most relevant one was about how the website was not interactive enough. Very nice, great work, smooth scrolling and layer playing (he said :-)… But it’s all about you. And nowadays there’s got to be some interaction, some participation, or else the website will feel unfinished. I couldn’t agree more. Well, it’s taken more time than I would have wanted to, and I’m sure this is not what…read more