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Bennassar´s Blog | by Bennassar | Page 3

Bennassar´s Blog

Nothing in my pockets, nothing up my sleeves.

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

2010/05/05. The other day I shared the proposal for the 2010 National Design Prize candidacy, and I illustrated it with an image of the cover. But something complicated to explain with an illustration was an effect originally designed but that we never got the time to produce. The case containing the proposal booklet was supposed to be made out of red translucid methacrylate. The result was that when you looked at the cover inside the case you would only see the name (the black ink) over a red background, and…read more

OK but… What is all this internet thing about?

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

2010/04/28. Just a bit more than 5 years ago, my father, industrial engineer and a man as prepared as it can get, asked me what was all this internet thing about and what was it for? On top of those thousand and one things that we discover every day and all those still to come, it has helped me to get in touch with friends in 14 cities, in 10 diferent countries during the last 2 weeks that I have been away from this blog. 2 weeks that I have…read more

Focus on selling apples and you’ll be abble to sell 333 iPads per minute.

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

2010/04/08 Los resultados de que una marca realmente se comunique bien son maravillosos. Y muchas veces no encontramos ejemplos tan contundentemente demostrables, así que tomar nota los que os dediquéis a esto, porque os vendrá bien en alguna de las próximas presentaciones que tengáis que hacer. El sábado, 1er día de venta en USA, se vendieron 300.000 iPads en 15 horas. Pero no fué Apple quien los vendió. Fuimos todos los que nos sentimos orgullosos de esa marca y de sus productos. Apple fué quien facturó la venta, pero Apple…read more


We have an hour left, anybody can take it.

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

2010/03/24 As most of you will know by now, next saturday march the 27th the WorldWildlifeFund invites all the people from the planet to shut down the lights and demonstrate their support in finding a solution to the world climate change. Last year, more than 1.000 million people from 4.159 cities in 88 countries supported this initiative (almost one sixth of the planet population). Their communication hasn´t been great, but obviously it’s a matter that well diserves all the support. That’s why, starting at 20:30 next saturday, if you visit…read more

Let’s innovate a little bit, we’ll do some cross-stitching.

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

2010/03/24. Here is a little example that innovation can go much further than chips and complex programming codes. The Lendorff Kaywa project, and interesting collaboration between a London based pixel-knitwear designers and a mobile enthusiast from Zurich, suggest these cross-stitching scarfs with QR codes (the bi-dimensional bar codes) that you can scan with a mobile phone to get the information from it or the tagged to it as I showed in the “Another way to read between lines” post. An if you want to see a video of how to…read more

How many fingers are in a hand?

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

2010/03/22. It appears that 5 is no longer the right answer, or at least not the most accurate one. An dit’s not that we are suffering from a phisical mutation, in fact it is not something new, but something that takes a new meaning because of the new tools that are part of our everyday life. Never before in human’s everyday life, anything had so much presence as computer mouses and screens, and little by little it’s being demonstrated that these tools that we use everyday really become a part…read more

Multidisciplinary creativity

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

2010/03/16. A few years ago I found this video about a kinetic sculpture created for the BMW Museum in Munich by ART+COM. 714 metal spheres suspended and beautifully sinchronized above a 6 m2 of glasse to put on stage a metaphor of the shape research in art and design. A brilliant coreography that I will take advantage of to support my theory of how multidiscipline will soon become crucial in brand communication to reach what above all it has to reach, creating emotions. Although my favorites are not as organized…read more

A brand new way to read between lines

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

2010/03/12. Coming from Stickybits, here is this little jewl. A simple and fun way to tag any bar code (including of course, QR codes) and attach to it any digital information (pictures, videos, music, text, PDF’s, zip’s, etc.). Anybody who scans it wil see the atteached content with the option to be noticed when somebody scans it, adds new info or even changes location. Because if we add geolocation technology to this system that already has thousands of applications, the posibilities are as many as we can imagine. Brands can…read more

Things are going fast and meanwhile who shows little mows the less.

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

2010/03/10 It seems an internet as we know it could become something we can’t even dream of. It was just a matter of time, but once again numbers will help imagine the future. Cisco Systems just announced a new router (el CRS-3) they say is able to reach speeds up to 322 terabytes per second. That means you could download the entire American congress library in about a second, 4 billion mp3 songs in one minute or every single movie ever made in 4 minutes. This could change a bit…read more

Or you can always save as PDF

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

2010/03/09. 3000 pictures (+/-), 35 books and 2 months later. An interesting essay (as well as the video showing it) to illustrate an internship in a printpress at Rosendale, NY, made by Abigail Uhteg, a young printpress student and book restaurator from Baltimore. It’s true that the wonders of PDF are infinites and anyone who has used once doesn´t remember how was life before it. Let this video help remember it and let them contribute to coexist for ever. O también puedes guardar como PDF. 3000 fotos (+/-), 35 libros,…read more

Holographic performance

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

2010/03/08. It’s quite a bit surreal, but undoubtly interesting and surprinsing (which isn´t bad at all). A creation from the members of Partizan Lab / Darkroom, the most experimental side of the prestigious Partizan postproduction company. Performance holográfica No deja de tener su punto surreal, pero sin duda es interesante y sorprendente (que no es poco). Una creación de los miembros del Partizan Lab / Darkroom, la rama más experimental de la prestigiosa productora Partizan.

Vimeo 1 / YouTube 0… “And Then There Was Salsa”

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

2010/03/07. The prestigious agency Goodby, Silverstein & Partners has done it again with an outstanding use of the Vimeo platform for Frito Lays. A country of obscene tree tomato, jalapeno peppers and cactus cilantro canopies where anything is possible. An experience you could only enjoy in all its glory in the version on Vimeo (deleted a while ago), but that unfortunately, you can only enjoy now on YouTube , which has nothing to do with the original version. Vimeo 1 / YouTube 0… “Y despues estaba la salsa” La prestigiosa…read more

So much work for a BigMac

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

2010/03/04 This is the interesting conclusion of Jochen Winker and Stefan Kuzaj bachelor thesis. 2 students og the applied science University at Schwäbisch Gmünd in Germany. Through 3 installations they propose a virtual and different approach to information delivery turning the audience into a interactive diagrame or a virtual mirror. Something that might seem quite out there but that allows you to experiment the time you would have to work in different countries to buy a Big Mac or a kilograme of bread (for example). Cuanto esfuerzo para un BigMac…read more

Because brighter mornings make for brighter days

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

2010/03/02. On january 8th Tropicana brought the sun to Inuvik. A sun that its neighbours hadn’t seen for the last 31 days. A demonstration that a brighter morning make for a brighter day, and that people love brands who love people. A beautifull work from BBDO Canada of course, and musically decorated with the delicious “Great Escape” theme from Patrick Watson. Porque una mañana soleada es el anticipo de un día soleado El pasado 8 de enero, Tropicana trajo el sol a la ciudad canadiense de Inuvik. Un sol que…read more

The State of the Internet

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

2010/03/02. Here goes one of those videos full of numbers that still get to surprise us (and with very good taste by the way). It’s been made by JESS3, an interesting online agency specialized in “social media, branding and data visualization” (thanks Buba for the link). El estado de Internet Aquí va uno de esos vídeos con cifras que todavía consiguen sorprendernos (y bastante buen gusto, por cierto) obra de JESS3, una interesante agencia online especializada en “social media, branding and data visualization” (gracias Buba por el dato).

How does this blog sounds?

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

2010/02/15. The british agency DLKW has developed codeorgan, a algorithm that defines notes, synthecizer styles and percussion patterns, turning into sounds the main content of any URL. An interesting experiment that translates this blog into the following piece: How does this blog sounds? / ¿Cómo suena este blog? ¿Cómo suena este blog? La agencia británica DLKW ha desarrollado codeorgan un algoritmo que define notas, estilos de sintetizador y patrones de percusión interpretando el contenido central de cualquier url. Un interesante experimento que traduce este blog es la siguiente pieza:

The world’s biggest signage

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

2010/02/24. Nokia has made it’s tagline true by building the world biggest signal to promote its OVI Maps geolocation service. They’ve connected people but this time with its brand. Thousands of people have shared for 2 weeks the places they cared about via sms and through their website. La señal más grande del mundo Nokia ha convertido su eslogan en una realidad construyendo la señal más grande del mundo para promover su servicio de geolocalización OVI Maps. Han conectado a la gente, pero esta vez con su marca. Miles de…read more

Fix your brand with staples

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

2010/02/22. The logo did sound familiar, but I must admit that until I haven’t seen this beautifull creation from the artist Baptiste de Bombourg , I had no idea what Rapid business was all about. Anyway it’s amazing what this french artist can do with 35.000 staples in 75 hours. Arregla tu marca con grapas Me sonaba familiar el logotipo, pero tengo que reconocer que hasta que he visto esta joyita del artista Baptiste de Bombourg no tenía ni idea de a que se dedicaba la empresa Rapid . En…read more

CAMPER wishes you a happy Valentine’s Day

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

2011/01/12. How great! The first CAMPER Shoes commercial has been launched on Vimeo. Unfortunately the video is no longer available anywhere (that I could find), but I think the story still remains relevant: When I used to work on Camper brand communication, with in-house creative director Quico Vidal (who still collaborates with them very often) a survey about Camper’s advertising was made. Out of it, probably the most surprising was that many of Camper fans said that what they liked the most out of all Camper’s advertising were the TV…read more

Google Store View

Posted by in Brand Communication / Creativity and R&D

2010/02/15. Obviously, Google Street View was going to serve some other purpose than just let the whole world impressed with its founders capability to do incredible things (which was not bad to start with). And it seems that one of the purposes might very well be what would become Google Store View. According to Barry Schwatrz from “Search Engine Land”, a store called Oh Nuts says that Google has been inside its store in NY taking pictures of the inside of the store every 2 meters in all directions. I…read more